Hey, you found us. UKNOC.org is the brain child of me, Jack. Ive worked in the Computer industry for years, and I figured now is the time to give back. So, here it is!
I was sick of diving between multiple sites to get the tools I needed, so I am building this little corner of the internet to bring everything together. Yes, all this stuff is available elsewhere, but this is a one place for all.
If you think you can see a gap in a tool and want something adding, just fill in the form on the home page and I will do my best to get it added to the site!
A script builder to harden a fresh Linux Install from those pesky hackers!
Advanced tool for generating network device configurations with support for multiple vendors and best practices.
Expanded BGP toolset with path visualization, prefix analysis, and real-time monitoring capabilities.
Comprehensive security assessment tools for identifying common vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
RESTful API access to all tools, enabling integration with existing network management systems.